Image above: 'Always Watching Over You' at Contain:er exhibition, Belfast. June 2017. Details here.



Artist’s Statement

'I strive to be unique, my work will divide opinion. Strength with a hint of fragility, masculine with undertones of the feminine, human but referencing the animal. It touches on subjects of sexual deviancy, containment and aggression. On a deeper level, there are echoes of religious symbolism, making distasteful subjects into attractive physical forms.'

Originally trained as a ceramicist, Patrick Colhoun's practice is now multi-disciplinary with sculptures and installations combining

black clay, hosiery, latex, piercings and metal spikes.

The first public exhibition of his work coincided to the day with redundancy after a twenty year career. This was followed one year later by the death of his father. Colhoun's work has been shaped largely by these events and by the realization that the work has been the thing that has helped him work through these issues. More than that, these events shaped a direction for his work which he has expanded upon and developed to this day.

Colhoun has always strived to be unique with his art. He enjoys dividing opinion and invites the audience to either love or hate his sculptures! Surprisingly, the positive response to the darker themes encouraged Colhoun to push the boundaries of taste even further and he soon introduced objects and materials into the clay sculptures.

Since winning the 2011 sculpture category at the Signature Art Awards in London, Colhoun's practice has developed internationally,

now regularly exhibiting across Europe and beyond.


Patrick Colhoun's work is held in the Permanent Collection of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.


Image below: Patrick Colhoun at 'Acquired Resilience' exhibition at Artisann Gallery, Belfast. October 2017.